Children’s Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments of America[:en]Children’s Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments of America

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  • Children’s Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments of America[:en]Children’s Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments of America

[:es]Conference presented during the “International Conference ARNA 2019 Repoliticizing P/AR: From Action Research to Activism” McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June, 2019.

Children’s Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments of America is a project that was supported by the program “Cultural Development for the Attention to Specific Public 2018”. The project was aimed at the children of playgrounds of station from 5 to 11 years old that live in a vulnerable community of Morelos State in Mexico, where people don’t have access to cultural diversity and neither have a possibility to buy a musical instrument. The methodology we used was based in my master’s degree research about knowledge in indigenous instruments of America, retaking the thoughts of Rodolfo Kush and Paulo Freire, employing education as practice of freedom and consciousness of the world. The project was divided in four stages, first, share knowledge about the native instruments of America, richness, diversity and cosmogonic philosophy as a cultural action for freedom. Second, the construction of their own instruments with recycled materials, as Do It Yourself practice. Third, the exploration of sound instruments individual and group, as a process of action and reflection. And fourth, the creation of collective music using the instruments they have constructed, where dialog is the essence of education. This experience was very enriching and unforgettable for the kids, who have for the first time a musical instrument, the possibility to construct it by themselves, to share with their partners the process to create music, learn about ancient traditions, the understanding of indigenous knowledge through music. Finally, everything was put into practice by giving public concerts in different stages, where kids experience the power of making community through sound. It has a strong impact for them, their parents, awaking the value of family, the potential of community by working together, the recognitions of richness of Native American Musical instruments, and the need of remember de oral memory as a different lecture of the world.[:en]Conference presented during the “International Conference ARNA 2019 Repoliticizing P/AR: From Action Research to Activism” McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June, 2019.

Children’s Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments of America is a project that was supported by the program “Cultural Development for the Attention to Specific Public 2018”. The project was aimed at the children of playgrounds of station from 5 to 11 years old that live in a vulnerable community of Morelos State in Mexico, where people don’t have access to cultural diversity and neither have a possibility to buy a musical instrument. The methodology we used was based in my master’s degree research about knowledge in indigenous instruments of America, retaking the thoughts of Rodolfo Kush and Paulo Freire, employing education as practice of freedom and consciousness of the world. The project was divided in four stages, first, share knowledge about the native instruments of America, richness, diversity and cosmogonic philosophy as a cultural action for freedom. Second, the construction of their own instruments with recycled materials, as Do It Yourself practice. Third, the exploration of sound instruments individual and group, as a process of action and reflection. And fourth, the creation of collective music using the instruments they have constructed, where dialog is the essence of education. This experience was very enriching and unforgettable for the kids, who have for the first time a musical instrument, the possibility to construct it by themselves, to share with their partners the process to create music, learn about ancient traditions, the understanding of indigenous knowledge through music. Finally, everything was put into practice by giving public concerts in different stages, where kids experience the power of making community through sound. It has a strong impact for them, their parents, awaking the value of family, the potential of community by working together, the recognitions of richness of Native American Musical instruments, and the need of remember de oral memory as a different lecture of the world.[:]