The archeologist Silvia Garza discovered several archeological pieces from Mesoamerican cultures from 600 aC. in the Xochicalco pyramids.
Some of them are sound artifacts with representations of animals of a highly symbolic value.
After being buried for many years, in 2018, I had the opportunity to record them for the first time. I used their sounds to construct the electroacoustic section and as an inspiration for composing the piece.
Besides, I also made field recordings of the native animals represented on those instruments.
Yolcatl is a Nahuatl word that means an animal, their representation in the sound artifacts in a symbolic way, intends to connect the underworld with divinity through the sound.
In this piece, I want to join the voices of ancient sacred instruments with the living animals and contemporary clay instruments into a new spiritual time-space.
*You can listen to an extract of the rehearsal in the link below. A special moment in the night singing to the moonlight!
Composer: Tania Rubio
Performers: Iván Manzanilla and Tania Rubio